Bucket elevators and conveyors
Separating and transporting free-flowing material
The core of TRENNSO-TECHNIK® systems for sorting and separating are our machines such as screening machines, separating tables and zigzag sifters. Optimally coordinated conveyor technology and long-lasting elevators are just as important for a reliable production process. At TRENNSO-TECHNIK® , long-standing experience and efficient bucket conveyor technology flow into high-performance elevator equipment built to endure even heavy-duty tasks.
The reliable transport of powdered material in our recycling and separation plants is the key to an efficient process. Our vertical bucket elevators support the vertical transport of free-flowing, granular bulk materials such as grain. No matter if your requirements demand a chain or belt bucket elevator, we offer a wide range of individual elevator and conveyor solutions with high-capacity containers, easy handling and energy-saving technology.
Bucket elevators – Upwards and onwards with the right equipment
Bucket elevators are a reliable mechanism for the vertical transportation of powdery and granular bulk material through the power of a chain (chain bucket elevator) or belt conveyor (belt bucket elevator). This low-energy technology has been used for decades to move grains and other bulk material. Bucket elevators basically consist of buckets, mounted to a conveyor belt or chain, driven by a motor. The buckets are discharged constantly, using centrifugal force. The bucket size, capacity and material as well as the conveying speed depend on the material to be conveyed.
Vertical conveying with customized modular design
Every bucket elevator made by TRENNSO-TECHNIK® is designed and built individually for the needs of the certain task given by our customer.
The equipment and capacity of the buckets, material and measurements of the belt or chain (e. g. oil-resistant rubber chains), plus additional security options all are specific and custom-made. We provide bucket designs in stainless steel and plastic and have various solutions against wear such as HARDOX steel. The electronic monitoring system for our bucket conveyors and elevators includes speed monitoring and misalign monitoring in order to provide a smooth performance and keep the conveyors low-maintenance and long-lasting. Since powdery material and dust deposits offer a risk of dust explosions, our elevators can be equipped with an aspiration. Of course all designs of our bucket elevators and other products and machine components are produced according to ATEX directives.
The Belt & The Bucket – the heart of our bucket elevators
What sounds like the name of a cozy English pub are basically the two main components of our conveying technology. Since TRENNSO-TECHNIK® has been using this traditional method of conveying bulk materials and grains for decades, you can rely on our expertise in designing the most efficient setup of any specific bucket elevator needed – from the bucket material, capacity and dimensions to the best speed for the belt and useful accessories for a reliable conveying of flowable materials.
TRENNSO-TECHNIK® provides the bucket conveyors for vertically transporting flowable bulk materials with high efficiency. You're interested in learning more about our bucket elevators, bucket conveyors and their underlying reliable technology?
Get in touch via phone (+49-7309-9620-0) or e-mail (info@
de) – we're happy to help you find the right elevator bucket for your needs!